murApplis_tests.rb |
This script tests the behavior of the shuffling function used by It is also a first attempt at litterate-style programming: this page is generated from
the |
Requirements |
We recall that the required behavior of this custom shuffling function is to randomize an array of values such as no item is at the same place before and after the shuffle. On top of that, we’d like to ensure the usual properties that we expect of a shuffling function: it should operate in constant timing (that is always the same duration for sets of the same length) and the resulting distribution should be unbiased (although this is more for algorithmic correctness: we probably don’t really care if a wall of app icons is slightly biased). |
Shuffling |
Here is our shuffling function. It takes an array of items, and randomize them in a way that ensures no item occupies the same position before and after the shuffle. The array is modified in-place (for efficiency reasons), but the resulting array is also returned for chaining method calls. |
def shuffle! array |
The shuffle is made in n – 1 iterations, where n is the number of items in the array. |
(array.count - 1).downto(0) do |i|
For each iteration, we look at the i first items of the array. That means the first iteration will look at all the items in the array, the second at all the items but the last one, the third at the first (n – 2) items, and so on. |
A random number is chosen in the range (0..i). |
n = rand(i)
The i-th item is then swapped with the item at the randomly chosen position. |
array[i], array[n] = array[n], array[i]
The algorithm loops over until the range of the examined items is reduced to the first item. |
return array
end |
Why does it work? |
Of course, this is a description of the Knuth-Fisher-Yates algorithm. It is quite simple, and guarantees an unbiased shuffling if correctly implemented. But how does it guarantee our custom constraint, that no items should be at the same place before and after? |
The answer lies in the way the algorithm operates. As we wrote above, it works by swapping items (n – 1) times. One of the item to be swapped is selected randomly – but the other is always at the end of the examined range. At each iteration, the range is decreased by one. That means the algorithm ensures that all the items of the array will be swapped at least once: at the first iteration the last item will be swapped, then the second-to-last item, and so on. |
But how does this ensure that an item won’t ever be swapped back at its original place? After all, the other item to be swapped is chosen randomly. |
However the random is not over the whole range of the array: the range is reduced at each iteration. The positions are only selected among the ones that have not been swapped yet. |
For instance, let’s say the last item of the array is “Z”. Once the first iteration swapped “Z” with another randomly-chosen item, the random range is decreased by one. This means that no item can ever be swapped at the last position anymore: even if a future random position selects “Z” to be swapped again, it is impossible that it comes back at the last position. |
By extension, no item can be swapped back at the same place: this ensures all our constraints are respected. |
Tests |
The testing plan is the following:
Asserting initial conditions |
The basis of our conformance tests is a method that, given a grid and the shuffled grid, ensure that no item is at the same place before and after the shuffle. |
def assert_positions_different grid, shuffled_grid |
For this, we use a simple reduce: for each index, check that the items are different in the original and in the shuffled grid. The result is placed in an accumulator, which will turn to ‘false’ as soon as a duplicate item is detected. |
shuffled_grid.reduce(true) do |is_different, letter|
is_different and (grid.find_index(letter) != shuffled_grid.find_index(letter))
end |
Now we also need a function that can perform this conformance check on a set of shuffled grids. This function takes an original grid, and an array of shuffled grid. |
def print_grid_assertions grid, shuffled_grids
For each shuffled grid, it prints its conformance status to the standard output. |
all_grids_valid = true
shuffled_grids.each do |shuffled_grid|
if assert_positions_different(grid, shuffled_grid)
puts "[OK] " +{|x| x.to_s + " "}.to_s
puts "[Error] " +{|x| x + " "}.to_s
all_grids_valid = false
At the end, it reports the global conformance of the grids — that is whether the shuffle was correct for all of them, or if some had duplicated items. |
if all_grids_valid == true
puts "Success: On all shuffle, all items are in a different position " \
"before and after the shuffle."
puts "Failure: On some shuffles, one or more items are in the same position " \
"before and after the shuffle."
end |
And finally, we need a function to generate a set of n shuffled grids. The shuffling method to use can be specified as an optional parameter – so we can test different algorithms. |
def shuffled_grids grid_to_shuffle, count, shuffleFunction=method(:shuffle!) |
For this, we fill an array with n copies of the grid to be shuffled. |
( count).
fill(grid_to_shuffle). |
Then the shuffling function is called one for each object of the array. |
collect { |item| item.dup }
end |
Printing statistics |
This part deals with the distribution uniformity tests. |
The base of it is a simple function that calculates the standard deviation
for a set of samples. The samples are given as an array of probabilities: the first
sample has a probability of |
def sample_standard_deviation dist
n = dist.count |
The mean is the sum of all samples divided by the number of samples. |
mean = dist.reduce(&:+) / n |
There is the formula for the variance. |
v = (1.0 / (n - 1)) * { |x| (x - mean) ** 2 }.reduce(&:+) |
As the variance is the squared standard deviation, return the square root of the variance. |
s = Math.sqrt(v)
end |
We also need a function to compute and print the statistics of our samples. This one takes an array of shuffled grids. |
def print_shuffled_randomness grids |
(When we dump the content of shuffled arrays to the console, it can be useful to give them a nice formatting.) |
def prettyprint hash
hash.each do |(key, value)|
p{|x| x + " "}.to_s + " => " + value.to_s
First we regroup all the samples by occurence, and we count them. |
occurrences = grids.reduce({ |hash, grid| hash[grid] +=1 ; hash }
Then we compute the outcomes – i.e. the probability of each occurence. |
outcomes = occurrences.inject(occurrences) do |hash, (key, value)| |
The probability of an sample is the number of occurences of a sample divided by the total number of samples. |
hash[key] = (value / grids.count.to_f)
The next line can be uncommented to print the outcomes. puts “Probability of each occurence: ”; prettyprint outcomes |
Then we compute the sum of the outcomes (which should be equal to 1). |
outcomes_sum = outcomes.reduce(0){ |sum, (key, value)| sum += value}
At the end, we print the sample standard deviation to the screen. |
s = sample_standard_deviation outcomes.values
puts "Sum of outcomes: #{outcomes_sum}\tSample standard deviation: #{s}";
end |
Helpers |
To ensure tests correctness, we need a shuffle method that fails to meet the requirements. By using it, we can check that tests fail correctly when they must do so. |
def naive_shuffle! array
shuffled_array = array
array.count.times do |
This naive shuffle just swap two random items in the array. So we’re sure that there will be cases where items are at the same position before and after. Plus the resulting distribution is probably biased. |
n = rand(shuffled_array.count);
m = rand(shuffled_array.count)
shuffled_array[m], shuffled_array[n] = shuffled_array[n], shuffled_array[m]
return array
end |
Wrapping up |
Time to run our tests! First, create some tests data. We represent a grid of applications by an array of application titles. |
apps_grid = ["Facebook", "TestFlight", "Maps", "Pages", "Safari"] |
Now, test that the shuffle method responds to constraints. For this, we shuffle the grid several times, store all the different shufflings, and ensure that all these outcomes satify the requirements. |
A good demonstration can be made using 10 differents shuffles per test. |
samples_count = 10 |
Let’s generate a serie of shuffled grids using our bogus |
puts "Naive shuffle:"
bad_samples = shuffled_grids apps_grid, samples_count, method(:naive_shuffle!) |
Naturally, we expect our tests to fail, with several shufflings exhibiting items at the same place. |
print_grid_assertions apps_grid, bad_samples |
Now let’s generate a serie of shuffled grids using our custom shuffle function. |
puts ""
puts "Good shuffle:"
shuffled_grids = shuffled_grids apps_grid, samples_count |
This time, we expect all the tests to be successfull. |
print_grid_assertions apps_grid, shuffled_grids
puts "" |
Testing for bias |
One last thing: we’d like to test that the suffled distribution is not biased. That is, is there the same probability to get each outcome? For this, we compute the sample standard deviation of a serie of shuffled grids. The actual value of the standard deviation doesn’t have much meaning — but if the distribution is unbiased, when we increase the number of samples, we should see it converge to zero. |
puts "For 100 samples"
shuffled_samples = shuffled_grids apps_grid, 100
print_shuffled_randomness shuffled_samples
puts "For 1000 samples"
shuffled_samples = shuffled_grids apps_grid, 1000
print_shuffled_randomness shuffled_samples
puts "For 10000 samples"
shuffled_samples = shuffled_grids apps_grid, 10000
print_shuffled_randomness shuffled_samples |